Tuesday, March 24

Drugs, Schmugs...

Thought I would dedicate my next post to Drugs – (just ask Frank Gallagher) I am well aware that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, “..It’s a free country, we can do what we want...” Blah blah blaaah...But I can’t stand them!

I’m on about the illegal kind, not the kind you get from your local chemist when your feeling a tad under the weather.

It really irritates me when I’m out with my girlies to see someone tripping off their head on Cocaine and even Ecstasy. Why can’t those people enjoy their night out on booze? Do they need that extra ‘kick’ to make their night more worthwhile? I’m quite happy to have a few alcoholic tipples and never have the need to touch the ‘stuff’..

..The thing that annoys me the most is that drugs these days are so easy to get hold of. If wanted to get the ‘stuff’ I would know exactly where and who to go to – this I absolutely hate.

When I saw the rats of society or otherwise known as ‘closet basers’ it makes me sick to know that I’m sharing my space with them. I can’t understand why they feel the need to use or take or whatever it is these people do. I'd rather have a night that I can remember thanks!

Please let me know what you think about this topic. What do you think about drugs? Do you know anyone that takes/uses drugs? I'd be happy to know what you think.

Thanks for reading, Franky.


Ps: As the Verve would say; 'The Drugs Don't Work'...


1 comment:

  1. Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do and you've done it.

    Margaret Thatcher, 1987

    How the Iron Lady's words still ring true today. You are most right in saying 'Do they need that extra ‘kick’ to make their night more worthwhile'.

    With so many vices already available in our society, narcotics are just another spoke in the wheel.

    Whilst support mechanisms offered by NHS and Talk To Frank can help, they only go so far as to surpress the problem, rather than tackle it.

    Murky waters of debate often contain the legalisation of substances as a means to an end too.

    One can only hope that tighter restrictions will come along, and curtail a rapidly growing issue in Great Britain.

    For a more light hearted take on other conservative issues, why not visit:


    Thanks, From Our Rutland Correspondent.
